Are you trying to get from Santa Marta to Minca in Colombia?
You are not the only one who wants to get to Minca. If you are already in Santa Marta then you are in a great position to be able to get there.
Do you already know all that there is to do in Minca? It’s a peaceful mountain location to relax and do activities at your own pace.
Getting to Minca From Santa Marta
Before you arrive read up on all things to do in Minca to ensure you have the best experience whilst in this unique part of Colombia.
Depending on how long you plan to stay in Minca, you may want to reserve your accommodation at one of the more sought-after places such as Mundo Nuevo, which can get booked up very fast.
Santa Marta to Minca Map
Take a peek at this map of the area to acquaint yourself with the journey. It should take around 40 minutes in total in total.
If you’re staying at one of the hostels in Santa Marta or located closer to the Historic Centre, you’ll need to get yourself to the market area.
When on foot, the best thing to do is to ask somebody local the best way to get to the market, or, you could get a taxi.
By walking, not only is this a good chance to practice some Colombian Spanish but you’ll also get to see other streets around Santa Marta.
On arrival to the market, you’ll quickly realize how crowded this area is and the impact it has on the local economy.
Many local people come here to sell their produce.
So, don’t be startled by the sheer amount of chaos but remember to look out for the correct bus.
These buses are located in the same places as if you were traveling traveling to Tayrona Park the only difference is the price.
Be sure to get on the right bus.
Santa Marta to Minca Travel Advice
The journey only lasts about 45 minutes, so there’s not much you’ll need to prepare for.
The bus, which is usually a white people carrier, will wait to fill up before it sets off. So you’ll have time to double-check everything.
You’ll pay after arriving in Minca so make sure you have $7000COP ready to hand the driver.
I suggest you have the correct money at hand, but it won’t be a problem if not. See below for how to make your trip more relaxed.
Here are some crucial things you鈥檒l need to know:
- The bus can take longer than advertised
- You鈥檒l have to wait for the bus to fill up before leaving
- Carry any snacks you may want before you get to the bus stop
- Try not to carry too much luggage if you can avoid it
Not so important but useful things to know:
- Try to pick a seat at the front of the bus
- Always keep your luggage in your sight at all times
- Carry a decent water bottle with you that you can refill
- Grab some banana bread from the man it’s 100% Vegan
Minca is a very hilly location so be prepared to walk. If you have accommodation booked at Casa Elemento or Nuevo Mundo you’ll be able to get a moto-taxi up to those locations once you arrive in Minca.
If you don’t see the motorbikes on arrival, just ask one of the guys at the Minca transport office who will help you with that.
馃挕Smart Travel Tip
If you have lots of luggage with you I recommend you speak to the owners at the hostel in Santa Marta. They will usually look after your backpack if you ask them nicely.
Where to Stay in Minca
Already sorted accommodation? Below is a place I recommend you don’t miss out on when staying in Minca for a couple of nights.
Nuevo Mundo
- Secluded loction
- Open community
- Eco-friendly practices
Minca is the sustainable capital of Colombia and Nuevo Mundo offers an insight into how sustainable living can be achieved. They work with local communities to provide the most natural experience.
Here is another great recommendation for Minca if you’re looking for a lively hostel or you want something in the immediate town.
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Getting to Minca From Santa Marta
Now you know how to get to Minca from Santa Marta, traveling via public transport need not be a difficult thing!
Just make sure you are prepared for a more remote experience than that of Santa Marta.
From Minca you can also get to Palomino or Coste帽o beach without going directly back to Santa Marta. So definitely consider this option if you decide to leave your heavy luggage anywhere along the way.
Have fun along your travels and be sure to see this guide that looks at other safe cities in Colombia for more ideas on where to go.
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